The Philippines team started the month off with a time away from our desks and the bustling city, to help in coastal reforestation by planting around 200 seedlings in partnership with NACCI (Nature Awareness Conservation Club, Inc.) in a coastal area in Calatagan, Batangas
While enjoying the food prepared by the locals, we learned more about coastal reforestation from Tatay Rod, the community leader, and why it is important. Coastal reforestation helps in erosion control, protection of the nearby communities through storm surge and tidal currents mitigation, biodiversity conservation, and water quality improvement, among others.
The team, together with some of the locals, walked about a kilometer from the shore to get to the planting site while the tide was low. Doing this under the heat of the sun proved to be a challenge because it was like walking on mud (good thing that the team came prepared with our knee-high boots and protective wear!). Nonetheless, we enjoyed this experience as we were able to breathe fresh air, shared laughter, bonded, and worked together in our little way to help conserve our environment.
This initiative is not only our way of giving back to the community but also in preparation for our adoption of ISO 14001, the recognized standard for environmental management systems (EMS). We’re planning to do more of these activities to demonstrate Sygna.’s commitment to ongoing environmental improvement.