Graduate opportunities
トレーニングと人材開発の実施を最優先し、全スタッフのスキルを向上させ、イノベーションのカルチャーを培うことで、企業は持続的な成長を実現できます。Commtech Asiaでは、最も活気ある先進的なラーニングリソースを活用し、自身のキャリアアップと成長をサポートします
Commtech Asiaでは、包括的かつ多様性のある職場環境を作ることを最優先とし、全てのスタッフが高く評価され、職場で自己表現しやすいように心がけています。私たちは、多種多様なバックグラウンド、カルチャー、思想、そして知識を通じ、異なる視点から物事を考え、学習することを奨励しています。
Commtech Asiaは、徹底的した安全性を重視し、スタッフの健康を維持し、リスクを確実に管理する為の包括的なアプローチを導入しています。高品質の生産性を達成することだけでなく、スタッフの健康や安全を最優先するカルチャーを築くことにも重きをおいています。
Commtech Asiaは、社会に貢献し、また、社会への影響を配慮することを重要視しています。変革をもたらし、また、コミュニティに良い影響を与えることに尽力しています。業務プロセスにおいて、環境に配慮して実施されることであれ、慈善活動を通じて地域コミュニティを支援することであれ、社会的責任に対する私たちの取り組みは、単にビジネスモデルの一部であるだけでなく、私たちの行動全てを方向付ける中心的な価値観になるのです。
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Explore an innovative environment that encourages unconventional ideas, fosters creativity, and drives innovation to create optimal results in the construction industry.
For more information on how to apply, contact your preferred region. The deadline for submission is 23 July 2024.
Our Graduate Engineer Programme is a Scheme “A” training program accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). The programme helps graduate engineers acquire the qualifications to become professional engineers.
We provide you with a series of professional personal effectiveness training programmes to develop your leadership competencies.
You will receive practical learning on various projects through on-the-job training and attachment.
Those who complete the program with high performance will be offered a position in our business operations unit, leading to a career as a commissioning manager and beyond; not limited to in Hong Kong but also an opportunity to other countries within APAC.
Explore an innovative environment that encourages unconventional ideas, fosters creativity, and drives innovation to create optimal results in the construction industry.
For more information on how to apply, contact your preferred region. The deadline for submission is 23 July 2024.
We provide you with a series of professional personal effectiveness training programmes to develop your leadership competencies.
You will receive practical learning on various projects through on-the-job training and attachment.
Those who complete the program with high performance will be offered a position in our business operations unit, leading to a career as a commissioning manager and beyond; not limited to in Hong Kong but also an opportunity to other countries within APAC.
Send your CV to joinSEA@commtechasia.com
Explore an innovative environment that encourages unconventional ideas, fosters creativity, and drives innovation to create optimal results in the construction industry.
For more information on how to apply, contact your preferred region. The deadline for submission is 23 July 2024.
We provide you with a series of professional personal effectiveness training programmes to develop your leadership competencies.
You will receive practical learning on various projects through on-the-job training and attachment.
Those who complete the program with high performance will be offered a position in our business operations unit, leading to a career as a commissioning manager and beyond; not limited to in Hong Kong but also an opportunity to other countries within APAC.
Send your CV to joinCHN@commtechasia.com
Explore an innovative environment that encourages unconventional ideas, fosters creativity, and drives innovation to create optimal results in the construction industry.
For more information on how to apply, contact your preferred region. The deadline for submission is 23 July 2024.
We provide you with a series of professional personal effectiveness training programmes to develop your leadership competencies.
You will receive practical learning on various projects through on-the-job training and attachment.
Those who complete the program with high performance will be offered a position in our business operations unit, leading to a career as a commissioning manager and beyond; not limited to in Australia but also an opportunity to other countries within APAC.
Send your CV to joinSEA@commtechasia.com
Explore an innovative environment that encourages unconventional ideas, fosters creativity, and drives innovation to create optimal results in the construction industry.
For more information on how to apply, contact your preferred region. The deadline for submission is 23 July 2024.
We provide you with a series of professional personal effectiveness training programmes to develop your leadership competencies.
You will receive practical learning on various projects through on-the-job training and attachment.
Those who complete the program with high performance will be offered a position in our business operations unit, leading to a career as a commissioning manager and beyond; not limited to in Hong Kong but also an opportunity to other countries within APAC.
Send your CV to JoinJPN@commtechasia.com